Green future

We want to minimise the ecological impact of our activities. For this reason we take a lot of measures to save energy and produce green energy ourselves. We also seek to achieve energy and other savings and efficiencies in every area of our transportation and waste policies.


Euro Tap Rent has its own wastewater purification plant; this allows us to ensure that our wastewater complies with the strictest of current discharge standards for surface water before it is discharged.

Euro Tap Rent goes even further: by recovering wastewater and re-using it as process water by post-treating it, we seek to achieve the best possible quality for re-use.


First and foremost, we wish to reduce our energy consumption as much as possible. In addition we invest in the production of renewable solar energy.

CO² emissions

The shift to an environmentally friendly EURO 6 vehicle fleet will ensure further reduction of CO2 emissions. Euro Tap Rent monitors the consumption of its vehicles by means of on-board computers. This allows us to support our employees and motivate them to use as little fuel as possible.

Waste management

Euro Tap Rent cooperates with separate collection of waste flows and is committed to offering sorted waste materials. Euro Tap Rent ensures that all kinds of recycling are possible and that certain items can be given a second life.